Q & A > Uptime Monitoring
How It Works
- Step by step explanation of the Wormly test cycle
- Can I get a traceroute when a failure occurs?
- Does Wormly monitor my server from all locations simultaneously?
- Why am I receiving false alarms? Our server is working fine!
- How much bandwidth does uptime monitoring use?
- How can the reported downtime be less than our monitoring frequency?
- Can I choose the locations you monitor from?
Uptime Reports
- Can I download or export the uptime reports?
- Can you remove a period of downtime from my uptime report?
- How can I make my uptime statistics publicly available?
- Can I show more detail on the public uptime report?
Locations & IP addresses
- Why am I receiving false alarms? Our server is working fine!
- Can I get alerts sent to Microsoft Teams Chat?
- Can I get alerts sent to a Discord chat room?
- "Dead man's switch" - Can I get alerts if my server stops pinging Wormly?
- Can I get alerts by Telegram?
- Can I get alerts to a Slack chat room?
- SMS Sender Phone Numbers
- Can I setup host dependencies to prevent a flood of alerts?
- Can I configure different hosts to alert different people when they fail?
- Can I inject alerts into PagerDuty?
Exporting Data
- Can I view the numerical response time data, instead of graphs?
- What do the columns mean in the downloaded raw data?
- Response times in raw data do not match graphs
- Why does the response time graph show large spikes?
- The response time graphs changed substantially on a certain date.
- Can I view the numerical response time data, instead of graphs?
- Can I make graphs publicly visible?
- What do the graphs show when a failure occurrs?
- Response times in raw data do not match graphs