Developers API


Adds an FTP monitoring sensor to specified host.

Request Parameters

Parameter Data Type Description Required Default
hostid integer Unique ID of the host to which this sensor is being added Required -
target string Hostname or IP address of this sensors' monitoring target Required -
nicename string A short, human readable description of this sensor Optional
username string Username with which to log into the FTP server Optional
password string Password with which to log into the FTP server Optional
tcpport integer TCP Port the FTP server is running on Optional 21
timeout integer Number of seconds before connection attempt is considered a failure Optional 15

Response Data

Response Variable Data Type Description
errorcode integer Returns an errorcode of 0 if call is successful.
hostsensorid integer The unique ID corresponding to the newly created sensor
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Desired response format

Unique ID of the host to which this sensor is being added (integer)

Hostname or IP address of this sensors' monitoring target (string)

A short, human readable description of this sensor (string)

Username with which to log into the FTP server (string)

Password with which to log into the FTP server (string)

TCP Port the FTP server is running on (integer, optional, default = 21)

Number of seconds before connection attempt is considered a failure (integer, optional, default = 15)