Developers API


Fetches a hosts' daily uptime report records for the specified date range.

Note that this method will not return the current days' uptime report, only historical data up until yesterday. "Live" data is only available through the end user web interface.

Request Parameters

Parameter Data Type Description Required Default
hostid integer The HostID identifying the host for which you are querying the uptime report Required -
startday date (YYYY-MM-DD) The first day of the range in question Required -
endday date (YYYY-MM-DD) The last day of the range in question Required -

Response Data

Response Variable Data Type Description
errorcode integer Returns an errorcode of 0 if call is successful.
dailyuptime This is an array - its' contents follow:
reportday date (YYYY-MM-DD) The day covered by this uptime report
testcount integer The number of tests conducted
testpasscount integer The number of tests that passed
uniquefailures integer The number of unique (i.e. distinct) failure periods
downseconds integer The amount of time in seconds that the host was down
gmtoffset string The GMT offset (i.e. timezone) in which this report is expressed
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Desired response format

The HostID identifying the host for which you are querying the uptime report (integer)

The first day of the range in question (date (YYYY-MM-DD))

The last day of the range in question (date (YYYY-MM-DD))