Developers API


Fetches a list of all Do Not Disturb periods scheduled for the specified contact/channel.

Tip: Find your contactChannelId with the getContactList API command.

Request Parameters

Parameter Data Type Description Required Default
contactchannelid integer The ID of the contact/channel whose Do Not Disturb periods you wish to query Required -

Response Data

Response Variable Data Type Description
errorcode integer Returns an errorcode of 0 if call is successful.
periods This is an array - its' contents follow:
periodid integer The unique ID of the period
start string The starting time of the period (HH:mm, 24-hour clock, e.g. '15:30')
end string The ending time of the period (HH:mm, 24-hour clock)
timezone string The POSIX standard timezone of the starting and finishing times; e.g. 'GMT' or 'Europe/London'
recurrence string ONCEONLY, DAILY, WEEKLY, MONTHLY depending on the desired recurrence of the period
on string A date in YYYY-MM-DD format for ONCEONLY periods.
The day of the week (e.g. 'Sunday') for WEEKLY periods.
The day of the month (1-31 or 'LASTDAY') for MONTHLY periods.
NULL for DAILY periods.
Try it out with the API Explorer:

Your API Key

API command to be called

Desired response format

The ID of the contact/channel whose Do Not Disturb periods you wish to query (integer)