tested 10 years ago

Certificate Overview

Valid Host NamesMatchedwww.arcor.de
Expiresin 11 monthsValid after Sep 26, 2011
TrustTrustedThe certificate was issued by Thawte SSL CA



Encryption CiphersOK
Public Key Size2048 bitsKey sizes 1024 bits or larger are considered secure. Be aware that unnecessarily large key sizes will slow down the connection establishment.
Secure RenegotiationYes
ProtocolsOKSSLv3, TLSv1


Encryption Ciphers (TLS/SSLv3)

RC4-SHAMediumRC4128-bitRSA398ms3742 bytes
AES128-SHAHighAES128-bitRSA395ms3766 bytes
AES256-SHAHighAES256-bitRSA396ms3766 bytes