Certificate Overview
Valid Host Names | Matched | www.sparkasse.de | |
Expires | in 11 months | Valid after Feb 11, 2014 | |
Trust | Trusted | The certificate was issued by VeriSign Class 3 International Server CA - G3 |
Encryption Ciphers | Weak | Weak encryption ciphers are supported. These are deprecated, and their removal will offer increased security. | |
Public Key Size | 2048 bits | Key sizes 1024 bits or larger are considered secure. Be aware that unnecessarily large key sizes will slow down the connection establishment. | |
Secure Renegotiation | Yes | ||
Protocols | OK | SSLv3, TLSv1 |
HTTP Keepalive | Yes | ||
SSL Session Cache | No | SSL Session caching allows faster re-establishment of a cached SSL session, improving user experience | |
TLS Stateless Resume | No | TLS stateless resume allows for faster re-connections to TLS enabled servers, without needing session state to be stored on the server. | |
SSL Handshake Size | 4799 bytes | The amount of data exchanged to establish a session with this server is large. This will result in a slower initial connection. Using a certificate with fewer intermediate chains and / or a smaller public key size can reduce the amount of data. |
Encryption Ciphers (TLS/SSLv3)
Cipher | Strength | Algo | Key | KeyEx | Handshake | ||
EXP-RC4-MD5 | Export | RC4 | 40-bit | RSA | 417ms | 4788 bytes | |
EXP-DES-CBC-SHA | Export | DES | 40-bit | RSA | 407ms | 4804 bytes | |
DES-CBC-SHA | Low | DES | 56-bit | RSA | 411ms | 4663 bytes | |
RC4-MD5 | Medium | RC4 | 128-bit | RSA | 405ms | 4647 bytes | |
RC4-SHA | Medium | RC4 | 128-bit | RSA | 412ms | 4655 bytes | |
AES128-SHA | High | AES | 128-bit | RSA | 403ms | 4679 bytes | |
DES-CBC3-SHA | High | 3DES | 168-bit | RSA | 410ms | 4663 bytes | |
AES256-SHA | High | AES | 256-bit | RSA | 401ms | 4679 bytes |